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  • IR33Z9HB20 - Carel IR33 Universal Controller for Panel Installation

IR33Z9HB20 - Carel IR33 Universal Controller For Panel Installation

Update Terakhir
13 / 01 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail IR33Z9HB20 - Carel IR33 Universal Controller For Panel Installation

Digital Controller

IR33Z9HB20 - Carel IR33 Universal Controller for Panel Installation, electronic temperature, humidity and pressure controller, 2 Universal Controller, 4 Relay, 2 Universal AI, 2 DI, 230V Power Supply, RTC

Keluarga Pengontrol IR33-DN33 Universale dirancang untuk mengelola parameter fisik utama dari sistem pemanas, pendingin, dan pendingin udara (suhu, tekanan, dan kelembapan).
Carel IR33Z9HB20 adalah Pengontrol dengan input Universal (NTC, NTC-HT, PTC, PT1000, PT100, TC J/K, tegangan dan arus).
Pengontrol Carel ini adalah Pengontrol yang dipasang di panel.
Pengontrol IR33Z9HB20 memiliki 4 Relai atau Output Digital
IR33Controller ini memiliki 2 Input Analog dan 2 Input Digital.
Catu Daya adalah 230V
Versi Carel Controller ini menyertakan Jam Waktu Nyata.
Buzzer disertakan.

IR33Z9HB20 - 4 Relay, 2 Universal AI, 2 DI, 230V Power Supply, RTC

This controller model replaces entirely the following models:

Relays: 4
Real Time Clock (RTC) built in.

Analogue Inputs: 2
• PT1000 with range –199T800 °C
• PT100 with range –199T800 °C
• TC J/K with range –100T800 °C
• Voltage: 0 to 1 V, -0.5 to 1.3 V, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V rat.
• Current: 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA.

Description: 4 relay version, 115 to 230 Vac
Real Time Clock (RTC)
Total Number of Relays: 4
Power Input (AC): 115 to 230 Vac
Operating Conditions: 10 to 60 ºC
Humidity (Non-Condensing): <90% rh
Storage Conditions: 20T70 ºC, <90% rH non-condensing
Digital Output: 3 digit with decimal point & sign
Installation: Flush mount
Index of Protection: IP65
Options and Accessories: IROPZ48500, RS485 Serial Card, IROPZKEY00, Parameter Programming Key
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