Detail PJEZS00000 - Carel Refrigeration Controller 1 Relay: Compressor
Digital Controller
PJEZS00000 - Carel Refrigeration controller 1 relay: compressor (8 A), 2 NTC probes
PJEZS00000 - Pengontrol pendingin 1 relai: kompresor (8 A), 2 probe NTC, 1 input digital, terminal yang dapat dilepas - suhu normal
PJEZS00000 adalah Pengontrol Carel untuk lemari es yang mengatur suhu unit.
Pengontrol ini memiliki tampilan LED merah terintegrasi, mendukung input termistor NTC.
PJEZ* (model S, C, Y, dan X) mewakili rangkaian pengontrol mikroprosesor elektronik dengan layar LED yang dikembangkan untuk pengelolaan unit pendingin, lemari pajangan, dan etalase.
Model PJEZS* dirancang untuk pengelolaan unit pendingin statis (tanpa kipas pada evaporator) yang beroperasi pada suhu di atas 0°C.
Model PJEZC* dirancang untuk pengelolaan unit pendingin berventilasi suhu rendah.
Terakhir, model PJEZ(Y, X)* dirancang untuk pengelolaan unit pendingin statis (tanpa kipas) yang beroperasi pada suhu rendah.
Catatan: model Y= relai yang terhubung secara elektronik secara internal; model X = relai independen.
Technical specifications
power supply (*) : 230 Vac +10 /-15% 50/60 Hz; 115 Vac +10 /-15% 50/60 Hz
rated power : 1,5 VA
inputs (*) : NTC or PTC probes 1 or 3 inputs.
Digital input as alternative to third probe
relay outputs (*) : 2 HP relay UL: 12 to 12 FLA 72 LRA, EN60730-1: 10(10) A 250 Vac (**)
16 A relay UL: 14 A Res. EN60730-1: 14(2) A or 10(4) A (N.O. only) 5FLA, 30LRA 250 Vac, C300
8 A relay UL: 8 A Res. 2 FLA 12 LRA, EN60730-1: 6(2) A or 8(3) A (N.O. only)
5 A relay UL: 5 A Res. 1 FLA 6 LRA EN60730-1: 5(1) A
type of probe (*) : Std CAREL NTC 10 KΩ at 25 °C, Std CAREL PTC 985 Ω at 0 °C
connections (*) : screw terminals for cables with cross-sect. from 0.5 mm2 to 1.5 mm2. Plug-in terminals for screw blocks or with crimped contact (cable cross-sect. up to 2.5 mm2). Rated maximum current per terminal 12 A.
assembly (*) : terminal: using screws from the front panel or with rear brackets. Interface: wall mounting, 4 screws, spacing 101x151 mm
display : 3 digit LED display with sign (-199 to 999) and decimal point; six status LEDs
operating conditions : -10T50 °C - humidity <90% rH non-condensing
storage conditions : -20T70 °C - humidity <90% rH non-condensing
range of measurement : -50T90 °C (-58T194 °F) - resolution 0.1 °C/°F
front panel index of protection : panel installation with IP65 gasket
case : plastic terminal, 81x36x65 mm
classification according to protection against electric shock : Class II when suitably integrated
environmental pollution : normal
PTI of the insulating material : 250 V
period of stress across the insulating parts : long
category of resistance to heat and fire : category D (UL94 - V0)
immunity against voltage surges : category 1
type of action and disconnection : 1C relay contacts
no. of relay automatic operating cycles (*) : EN60730-1: 6(2) A, 2(2) A, 5(1) A and 10(10) A: 100,000, 14(2) A: 30,000. UL: (250 Vac) 30,000 operations
software class and structure : Class A
cleaning the instrument : Only use neutral detergents and water.
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